Friday, March 11, 2016

Vote. Please Vote

The Republican Party has shown by their obstructionism in Congress and their outrageous laws in the States that it shouldn't be a political party. Never mind that the base is now taking it apart. I have to admit the 2010 and 2014 elections were two of the most shocking I've ever seen. How can a party that's as irrational, anti-science, anti-education, obstructionist, who actually closed down the government, win majorities?

Their latest insult to rights, morality and intelligence is the defunding of Planned Parenthood for no reason whatsoever. The Center for Medical Progress's videos have been refuted, the people who made them are up on charges, and they'll probably have to stand charges of defamation as well.

This is the very same tactic Republicans pulled on ACORN, which also turned to be nothing.

It's apparent that among their other foibles, Republicans believe in government as a bully. It's odd the party of small government and no regulation would harass Planned Parenthood with arbitrary regulations. But they absolutely believe in that as a role for government.

A second state, Ohio has now defunded Planned Parenthood. Governor Kasich, that moderate, has signed the bill.

I'm beginning to get that same feeling helpless distressed feeling I had under George W. Bush. If you're a Liberal, Progressive or Socialist, please remember to vote.  

Things will continue to deteriorate until we fire these people: