I had a chance, of sorts, to dispute it. I got to check a little box telling them it wasn't spam. Then I was told they would "try to" determine whether it "violated community standards." I frankly couldn't see how it could have done that, but I wouldn't have minded waiting several days or a week for them to determine that.
Only today, when I checked, there was a notice on it that said "Closed." Yep, they tried all right. Apparently, this was adjudicated by another bot.
What worries me about this was the subject: it was about global warming. Did it get flagged by a bot because of that? Even worse, was it a Facebook bot that did the flagging?
Yes, I know FB is a private company, and they have no obligation toward free speech, at the same time, they whole country (and perhaps the whole world) is in trouble if we can't discuss a topic like global warming on an influential board like FB. Also, if there are bots on FB that false flag the topic wherever it is found, that's important news, whether FB or somebody else is running the bots.
Now you decide for yourself whether the post I'm quoting in full below was too strident. Please tell me what's offensive, or what you would edit out. Don't mine it for nasty words. There aren't any.
My censored post on my Facebook Timeline, 10/6/17, 9:29 p.m.:
It was a muggy day with the high temperature in the mid-eighties. Highs in the mid-eighties are also in the forecast for the next nine days. [Note: but it only got up to 72 today!]I'm not ungrateful; I'm enjoying it, yet it gives me an uneasy, portentous feeling. This isn't autumn. Global warming has abducted autumn and replaced it with an imposter. What do we call this new season? Exxumn? (After Exxon.) El Bebe? (Since El Nino is taken). Shadow summer?
There were sixteen consecutive record high [temperature-average] months [worldwide] by September last year, [the month the streak ended] which was the hottest year on record, the third year in a row with that distinction. In that streak of warmest months ever, most of them not only beat the record, but beat the record for the amount by which the previous records were beaten.
Let's compare that to sports statistics [for reasons I will make clear]: have you ever heard of an athlete or team that breaks a record, then breaks its own recordsixteen[fifteen] consecutive times? No, because it doesn't happen. Babe Ruth did something like it with home runs, but he was able to do that due to a rule change that dispensed with the "dead ball."
In statistics, there's something called "regression to the mean," which says if you do something record-breaking, it's likely you can't repeat it consecutively. This applies [both] to weather and athletes, because. Statistical laws hold for the whole universe, from the quantum to the galactic level.
Where weather is also like sports is that it shouldn't be able to set a record sixteen times. In fact, the three consecutive years of record high global temperatures that we're in right now also are [so] extremely unlikely they shouldn't happen.
Unless the rules of our planet have been changed.
Let's accept no more denials, no more hedging about its cause. Global warming is real, and humankind did it. We're seeing an epic scientific event unfold. It dwarfs the eclipse that brought such elation earlier this year. It's better to enjoy the thrill of it before the catastrophe takes hold, because there's no stopping it now.
Afternotes: I made small changes, in brackets or with strikethroughs, for clarity or to correct facts. I did look up what I already knew to be true. No, I didn't just imagine us having sixteen consecutive hottest months worldwide on record. The Climate Central website verifies it. It also gives other records I forgot about:
- We haven't had a coldest month on record since February 1929.
- Also, there hasn't been a cooler than normal month worldwide in 32 years (381 months).
I'm no expert. For science, I'm, at most, a hobbyist. Yet, I don't have to be an astronomer to look up at the obvious. These records portend a huge changes coming to our climate and our way of life. I can't say whether it will be over the next five years or the next twenty, but it's not going to be much longer. Already our hurricane season has been one for the books, and there will be no recovery for Houston or Florida if storms like this keep coming.