Saturday, November 15, 2014

Darren Wilson Grand Jury Predictions

First, I'll say, I hope above all else that there is no violence due to the verdict. I've always thought there was no way Darren Wilson would be indicted. Violence in the face of this would aggravate the fear that makes the majority so irrational about racism. Conservatism, and its partners, fascism and racism are all based on fear. I hope people continue to protest, and don't let this die. But I hope it can be accomplished without picking a losing fight.

I think the grand jury has already reached its decision, and Darren Wilson has already been declared not indicted.  I judge that by reports of police readiness and the speech by the governor. If it's in any way legal to withhold the verdict from public release, or to ask the Grand Jury to delay their "official" vote, I think that's what they're doing.

Now, prosecutor Bob McCulloch has given them until January to reach one. When I heard that months ago, I thought they were going to time the announcement of the verdict with the worst weather possible. They hope to use a blizzard to suppress the violence they anticipate. That would be the smartest thing to do.

But how long can the Grand Jury stand it? Having been a foreman, I'll testify that Grand Jury duty isn't easy. Sitting on a case like this, especially if it has been decided in all but formality, must be terrible. So, though it might be the intelligent thing to delay announcement of a "no bill" verdict for coming of the next polar vortex, the human element might interfere.

I never thought there was a chance in Hell Wilson would be indicted. There was no incident report, the crime scene evidence was not properly collected.  I think Wilson's guilty, simply because his story of what happened doesn't make sense, and I know that cops lie and fudge things all the time, in front of Grand Juries and especially when covering their asses. Yes, despite my strong suspicions, I couldn't vote him guilty if I were on a jury.

The criminal justice system being what it is, it was never realistic for protesters to demand that, not realistic in the sense that a crime investigation can't be bent to political demand. It may get bent against Black suspects all the time, but that's what the protestors are seeking to end.

Wilson won't be indicted not because he didn't commit manslaughter, but because I know how grand juries think. The least contradiction in civilian witness testimony is going to be taken as evidence that all their testimony is unreliable. In absence of really good physical evidence (like a video) Wilson's story is going to be considered the most reliable. Meanwhile, general principles like "innocent until proven guilty" will carry the day. 

But mostly it's because Wilson and his buddies have already put the evidential fix in. They're lack of investigation into Michael Brown's death already decided the "no bill" verdict by this grand jury.

Therefore, it's counterproductive to make political demands on the criminal justice system. However, the protesters can demand that the Ferguson Police department pay for what it's done. They should demand that it be decommissioned and everybody be fired. Put it out of business.

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