Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Prosecuting 47 Senators?

The GOP-teaparty's latest ploy in political folly is the “open letter” to the Iranian government, warning that any treaty would only be an executive agreement between the government of Iran and the president, and Congress might alter or not abide by anything President Obama agrees to. The Senators also boast that Obama will have to leave office, whereas the senators can count on being there for decades. 

Oh, the presumptuousness! When you're supposed to stand for elections every six years, even if the public has turned out few Congressional incumbents, you shouldn't boast about your job security. Oh, their opponents for elections are going to have a field day with that hubris.

The TP-GOP faith in their own rube-like shrewdness is just comical. Any government that negotiates with the US is told all about the treaty clause in our Constitution and what is and is not possible from negotiation. Now, even if our government neglects that, the Iranian government has America experts, who have read our Constitution. They also know that getting a real treaty through our senate is just about impossible with since 2/3rds of the senators have to approve of it. They are either showboating for their constituencies, or they're that naïve about treaties.

If they've done it for the former reason, it looks to the world like the latter reason. It's a way of telling the world “Hi, we're dicks.” The world is likely to breathe a jaded sigh and say they already knew that.

Just or not, I can't picture the US executive branch bringing half the senate up on treason charges. The militias will be having kittens over that. They'll say it's the first of Obama's mass arrests, the Great Purges. It'll be proof, finally, that he's a dictator. And the only thing that's kept them from being in open rebellion is that none of their accusations against the president have had the slightest bit of truth to them.

So, I think treason is the wrong way to handle it. No, just don't let their constituents forget that these senators know they're guaranteed decades of employment. That should piss their voters off. 

Then again, the open letter is an admission of what other governments have known is true: the US can't be trusted to keep its word. "You shouldn't negotiate with us. We're totally unreliable." 

This is called a "dick move" and Republicans and Tea Partiers are becoming legendary for them. 

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