Friday, January 31, 2020

The Fix is in.

The GOP Senate's going to rubberstamp an acquittal, and the only good thing about it is they've taken a few weeks to refuse witnesses and documents. This gave Schiff and other House managers a chance to lay out the case for the world and for history.

They say history is written by the victors. I hope it's abusive to them. I hope Trump McConnell's names become insults in the future. These people are the worst traitors since Benedict Arnold, and Arnold at least helped the cause before he turned against it. These guys have no redeeming qualities.

The Democratic Party must win in a landslide in November, or else damage to the Republic will be irreversible. Trump will set up Ivanka and Don Jr. to succeed him, and the US will become a monarchy in a very late stage of decay. The US will be unable to lead the world while climate change continues to constrict civilization.  And if the US won't lead, who will? 

The Dems have one clear advantage: Trump can't stop being Trump. He will continue to commit obvious crimes, he will take disgusting revenge on people, he will continue to transparently lie, he will wreck our alliances, create a dire situation at the border, he will tear up the Constitution, he will profit off the presidency, he will continue and escalate the war on women, he will continue to make rash and irrational decisions, never seeing them as mistakes. and he will use the presidency to intervene in things that are none of a president's business. 

Trump can't change his ways. He's hermetically ignorant, unable to learn, an obdurate a-know-it-all, and driven purely by his ego that he now identifies with his country. And he's unable mentally to separate his interests from his country's. This means, among other things, that he can't expand his base. No, all the people who are attracted to such a character are already with him. He can smear his opponent, but he can't make his opponent more smeared than he already is. 

I think he's hopeless. I hope he's hopeless.


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