Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Like a good Fascist

I will say one thing about Trump, he has kept his campaign promises. But that's only a virtue if the pledge you make isn't wicked.

Nothing that's happening with the separation of children from parents surprises me in the least. During the campaign, Trump was adamant on detaining immigrants at the border, with expelling illegals and refusing "frivolous" asylum requests.

I heard him say he would do it humanely. Nobody asked him how his policy could be performed benevolently. A reporter taking him seriously might have asked if he planned to put more money into building more detention centers, more vehicles, more supplies and hiring (qualified) guards? Or was he going to wait until Walmart closes a few stores? (Trump really should go easier on Amazon.) All of this might cost more than his wall. He should have been pressed on this during the election campaign.

Instead, as we're seeing, Trump would rather eat corn nuts for every meal every day of his remaining life than send one more buck toward making detention and processing somehow humane. He despises Hispanics so much that details aren't worth his effort, and definitely aren't worth any money, as hurricane Maria showed.

So, Trump will alter his plans under pressure. The government might allow parents to stay with their children, and that would be somewhat more humane at the beginning.

But it won't stay so that humane. What Trump will be refugee camps and ghettos, depending on whether it's an urban or rural environment. My bet is on the camps. How badly will they deteriorate? It could become a major atrocity because he has shown an uninterest in details that require it. He approaches his work as an authoritarian, and he presumes anything he trusts to be there will there.

He stepped up arrests at the border, for that he needs more police, then more trucks to transport immigrants, then detentionaries to keep them warehoused. These will require guards, then energy for heat in the winter. (I'm supposing AC would be a luxury.) Then food and water. Update: Since he has already separated 20,000 children from families, it has multiplied the number of facilities by at least two. Children are going to require care, somebody's going to have to change the diapers. Trump doesn't even think about all this, but to perform the stepped-up seizure and imprisonment without committing an atrocity, he needs far more resources than he started out with. He needs infrastructure he doesn't have.

Instead of assuming all Hispanic immigrants to be potential criminals, it would be far easier to arrest only the ones that ARE criminals. It would certainly be easier to house and feed only those that break real laws, the way the Founders meant it.

I say "real" laws because there is nothing in the Constitution that allows the federal government to regulate immigration. Though, to be clear, it does put the fed in charge of naturalizing immigrants. However, not until a hundred years after Independence were the first immigration laws passed. The only way the laws have stood up since is that immigration courts are not real courts. They're like hearing rooms of the executive branch. The "judges" are really civil servants working for the president, not judges appointed for life. So, if an immigrant wanted to challenge immigration laws, it would be in immigration court. The case would not be a judicial; the appeal would go to the AG, not to a real judge. If a non-immigrant wanted to challenge them, then the "real" court would say they have no standing to make the challenge. They're not a party with interest in the outcome. So, the immigration system has stood balanced on loopholes.

I expect my government to arrest criminals. I don't expect it to make America whiter. Purification of the American pedigree is not its cause. Such a thing has never existed. For Trump supporters, lashing out at other races is not only foolish and futile, but it makes everybody more miserable, including the Trumpers. They aim for a purer race, and the only thing they'll learn is it will solve nothing and make life a lot worse as it fails.

Unfortunately, I expect conditions for the growing number of detained immigrants to continue to worsen. As heinous as it is, the breaking of families is not what underlies this problem. If Trump stops breaking families, we'll get refugee camps and ghettos, and conditions in them will deteriorate because Trump and his henchmen in Congress will never provide funds to make the places inhabitable.

No, Trump's immigration policy is the real problem, and racism is the wickedness at its root. The camps and the detention centers are symptoms, the growing sores on the land.

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