I hear of a lot of people saying that they like legal immigrants and hate illegal ones. To me, that makes as much sense as loving people when they have a drivers' license and hating them when they don't. What kind of charm spell do these immigrant documents have on them? This is as transparently a racist statement as "some of my best friends are Hispanic."
In other news, yes, I know Republicans now give Trump a 90% approval rating. I could see them doing that until Trump tanks the economy. Oh, you forgot Trump was supposed to make Republicans weathy? Everything about the Republicans and Trump is really about money. His trade policies, his tax cuts, and his immigration policies are one way or another supposed to make his supporters rich. Even defunding Planned Parenthood diverts money to Pregnancy Counseling Centers, whose denominations are enriched, and this makes God happy. In the Conservative worldview, the Prosperity Gospel says if you make God glad, you'll be rich. Trump is just selling people Trump University again, but with much more racism.
Trump, the ultimate know-it-all helming our economy, is pulling levers and pushing buttons, like a drunken, angry monkey. However, luck makes geniuses into idiots and into geniuses. Just because the Captain's an idiot doesn't mean we'll hit an iceberg.
If economy tanking doesn't fill you with joy, remember Republicans are only 30% of the electorate. The Democrats can beat a 27% hurdle.
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